Wednesday, November 18, 2009


An impact fracture is a broken bone end is wedged into the other broken end.

A spiral fracture is otherwise knwo as a torsion. It's a twisted bone that creates an oblique fracture around the bone.

An oblique fracture is a bone broken across at an angle.

A longitudinal fracture occures along the long axis of the bone. This is a picture of a temporal longitudinal fracture.

A greenstick fracture occurs in a soft young bone especially in kids. The bone bends and partially breaks

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Tendinitis is the inflammation of a tendon. When normal gliding of a tendon is damaged, the tendon will become inflammed. It can occur in the elbow, heel, shoulder, or wrist. It's often caused by overuse, aging and loss of elasticity, or after an injury.

  • pain and tenderness along tendon
  • pain at night
  • pain worsening with activity
  • rest
  • ice/heat
  • brace
  • aspirin/ibuprofen
  • physical therapy: stretching and stregthening
  • avoid repititive motion
  • keep muscles strong and flexible
  • warm up before activity

Grade 3 Muscle Strain

A grade 3 muscle strain is a tear/rupture of a tendon especiall of the bicep, hamstring, pecs, and quads.


  • increased pain (moderate-high)
  • increased point tenderness
  • increased swelling/bruising
  • discoloration
  • definite loss of function
  • recovery can last up til 3 months
  • surgical reattachment
  • rest
  • ice
  • compression
  • rehab


  • warm up/cool down for about 20 minutes
  • maintain muscle strength and flexibility
  • nutrition